Tokyo is one of the most populous cities in the world, so it is very difficult to capture all of it on one map sheet. The areas of touristic interest tend to exist in a relatively small portion of the metropolis, essentially from the Shibuya and Shinjuku shopping areas in the west to the Asakusa temple complex in the east. All the subway lines are shown, as well as stations. The rail lines passing through the city are numerous, but well-portrayed, including the monorail going to Haneda Airport and the main Shinkensen Terminal. The imperial palace is prominently shown, although not open for tourists. Tokyo tends to be a bit overwhelming, so having a good map is essential. This map includes an inset of the Narita International Airport and train routes into Tokyo, as well as a large inset showing the spaghetti-like network of subway/rail lines serving Tokyo. The reverse side of the sheet is essentially a detailed map of central Japan as far west as Nagoya and north to Yamagata, offering visitors to Tokyo with a wealth of day trips to interesting cities and nearby islands without needing a separate map. The Top Attractions list notes such treasures as Odawara Castle, or the shrine complex at Nikko. Mount Fuji is of course included, as is the spot where Westerners first arrived (near Shimoda). A fascinating map!
We can laminate this map, which will allow you to draw on it in whiteboard marker or apply to locations of interest without permanently marking the map. The lamination also makes the map very durable and protects against tears and stains.
To laminate this map we have taken the folded map and flattened it out before encapsulating it in high-quality 80-micron laminate, so please be aware that there will still be slight fold lines visible.
Scale 1:15,000 / 1:850,000
Size 700 mm x 1000 mm